Informatisation of business processes (ERP)

The Integrated Information System IS21 is an ERP software solution for IT support of business processes. It consists of several modules that support all business functions of the company. It allows easy and gradual deployment. As the system is integrated, each business event is entered once. As a result, this means less effort in data entry, more up-to-dateness, better business visibility and, last but not least, the ability to make data-driven business decisions.


IS21 is being implemented in line with established methodologies. First, we get to know your key business processes and all the specifics of your business. This is followed by defining the information needs and expectations for each role in the processes. Once the solution is developed and coordinated with the client, deployment follows. This includes installing the IS21 system, configuring the individual modules and training the staff.

IS21 consists of the following modules:

Finance and accounting

Glavna knjiga s saldakonti kupcev in dobaviteljev
Zajem prejetih računov in likvidatura
Obračun davka na dodano vrednost
Blagajniško poslovanje
Osnovna sredstva
Nadzor terjatev

Payroll and human resources

Kadrovska evidenca
Obračun plač in ostalih prejemkov

Material and warehouse management

Nabava - povpraševanje in naročila dobaviteljem
Materialno planiranje
Skladiščno poslovanje podprto tudi z mobilnimi aplikacijami

Production with sales

Prodajne ponudbe in naročila kupcev
Delovni nalogi za storitvene in proizvodne dejavnosti
Izdaja računov